Friday, January 30, 2009

Graphic Arts

Hey guys, its sorta late. I'm in a graphic mood. I do graphic arts along side my photography. I'm pretty diverse in my work. I do Product, which you saw in the first post. I do abstract (second post) and in the third post i'll show oyu my graphic arts work. Later to come is my Black and White, both digital and 35mm Film. ENJOY =)

Now this first piece is a shirt i made for a hip hop group called Mars Ill. my friend Nate is the DJ in the group. (DJ DUST). Here's a video of there work and myspace. check them out.

This second one I've been working on for a while, its a rat i drew when i was bored. and i decided to draw a cat holding cheese over him. yet i can draw cats so i said F it lol and did this =)) enjoy.

This third one is probably my far. i did it tonight. after the first two were finished. lol the first one is good the second one sucks i hope this third one will redeem myself =) it's a bboy inspired piece. some of the older readers will remember a hip hop awareness post on lifestyledgreed, when we first started. im a bboy, it's what i do =) thanks guys.

Abstract-ish work

Hey guys. day two of my blog. lol well not day two but my second post. just dropping some of my abstract ish stuff.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


HEY guys, it's Remote. this is my new blog. lol to show off some of my photography work. and graphic design work. so yeah =) enjoy. Shout out to the LNW team, most of yous guys is in NYC. but ima start recruiting one or two members in the ATL so hit me up. for the first couple of days anything i post will be my ORIGINAL work.